Burn Injuries

San Angelo Burn Injury Attorneys

Helping Those Burned by the Negligence of Others

A burn injury can cause serious, life-altering effects to an injury victim. When a person suffers from a burn, their skin, muscles, and bones can be permanently damaged. Burn injuries can also cause nerve damage to the affected area.

Types of Burn Injuries and Degrees of Burns

There are four degrees of burn injury. Burn injury degrees classify the severity of a burn and identify the damage that may have been done to the affected areas.

The different degrees of burn injury are:

  • First degree burns — First degree burns are the most mild types of burns. Only the outer layer of skin is affected, and blisters do not develop from a first degree burn.
  • Second degree burns — Second degree burns damage the outer layer of skin and penetrate the second layer of skin. Painful blisters will form and the affected area may also appear red and shiny.
  • Third degree burns — Third degree burns damage multiple layers of skin, as well as the nerves. Skin that has been affected by a third degree burn may look white, yellow, brown, or black.
  • Fourth degree burns — Fourth degree burns are the most severe types of burns. Every layer of skin is damaged by a fourth degree burn, and nerves, bones, muscles, and tendons can be impacted as well. Fourth degree burns can be fatal.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

Burns caused by fire and heat are the most common types of burns. Although heat burns are what comes to mind for most people when they think of burns, there are many other causes of burn injuries.

The most common causes of burn injuries include:

  • Heat burns — Burns caused by flames, ovens, and other very hot objects can cause significant damages to the skin, bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons.
  • Chemical burns — Toxic substances, such as acids, can cause burns.
  • Friction burns — Friction burns result from incidents such as car accidents, when a person is thrown from their vehicle and slides on the pavement.
  • Radiation burns — Burns can result from exposure to x-rays, radiation machines, or the sun.
  • Electrical burns — People who work with electrical equipment are at-risk for these types of burns.

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Burn Injury Statistics

According to the American Burn Association, approximately 43% of burns that are treated in burn centers are caused by fires. This is the most common cause of burns. The most common location to sustain a burn injury is in the home, which accounted for 73% of treated burn injuries.

Following behind fire burns, the most common causes of this type of injury are scalding (34%), contact burns (9%), electrical burns (4%), and chemical burns (3%). “Other” causes of burns were cited in 7% of cases.

Burns that happened in the home accounted for an overwhelming majority of burn injury cases. Additional locations of burn injury include workplaces (8%), roads (5%), in recreational settings (5%), and “other”/miscellaneous locations (9%).

Burn Injury Treatment

Burn injury treatment can range from simple home care such as the application of a burn treatment cream, to complex medical procedures such as surgery. Burn injury victims can sustain permanent damage from their injuries, which may require years of medical care, treatment, and therapy.

After sustaining any type of burn injury, it is crucial to receive medical attention as soon as possible. Mild burns can progress to more severe burns as layers of skin increasingly become more damaged. Prompt medical treatment can prevent the progression of a burn and ensure you recover quickly.

We Are Available to Discuss Your Case

The Webb, Stokes & Sparks legal team can help you recover compensation if you or a loved one have suffered from a burn injury caused by another person’s negligence. We know that burn injuries can require extensive treatment, and are committed to helping you get the care you need.

To discuss your claim with our burn injury attorneys in San Angelo, schedule a free consultation with us by completing our contact form or calling (325) 732-8668.

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